Have a blog, business, or anything that you would like to promote? You're In Brookelynn is now welcoming sponsors of any kind!
I am also happy to do product reviews and sponsored posts for products and brands that fit with my personal style and the aesthetic of You're In Brookelynn. E-mail for more information. Media kits available on request.
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Check out with Passionfruit below!
Please note: I do not accept stretched ads. If you submit an ad that is not the correct size, it will be declined! Ads and prices are subject to change at any time. I reserve the right to refuse or terminate ad space at any time to those I feel don't fit with the views and aesthetics of You're In Brookelynn. You're In Brookelynn is a for-profit blog and uses affiliate links and paid advertising. All funds raised will be put back into the blog. Thank you!