How gorgeousssss is this dress? I love the flair of the skirt and the belt and the bow on top and I just need this dress.
Lovely Sally has some of the coolest leggings I've ever seen! They also have some awesome dresses and swimsuits!
HOW COOL ARE THESE PLUGS. Oh my god I can't even handle it.
It was so hard for me to only choose 2 photos from this user's photostream, because all of his photos are BEAUTIFUL. I highly suggest to take a minute and check out his photos. (oh yeah, and he is FOURTEEN. whaaat?)
This necklace is just beauuutiful. And it's a ruby (my birthstone!) so that makes it even cooler.
Hehehe how awesome is this cake topper?
I hope you have a lovely weekend! I am really looking forward to next week, it's my last week of freedom before I start working full time, and Skylar and I have tickets to Six Flags! Yeeeee :)
Happy Friday!
Woah, I've always wanted to go to Six Flags! Have loads of fun!