Hey guys! Wow, it's been a hot minute since I posted, hasn't it? I had every intention of keeping up with posting for the last few weeks here, but life just happened, ya know? While I definitely wish I could have kept up with the blog, it was actually really nice to have these few weeks to focus on some things and get used to the new school year.
So, it started last week, when I started NIU's band camp, which went from 9am-10pm every day. I was essentially wearing baggy t-shirts and athletic shorts all week, so you didn't miss anything on the outfit front, haha! And lord knows I wasn't going to get all dressed up to snap a few pictures after coming home covered in sweat and being exhausted. I hope you can forgive me! :)
Also, the semester started this week, which has been a whirlwind in itself. I'm finally settling into my new apartment (I'll share a tour soon, I promise!) and figuring out my class and work schedule. Marching band is also creeping in here, because our first home football game is today, so we've been practicing and having extra rehearsals like crazy! Also, I'll most likely be a part of the NIU School of Dance's main-stage production, so I've been busy with auditions for that. Whew, can you tell I've had a busy week?
Anyway, I'm planning on getting back to regular posting on Monday! I've got an outfit I can't wait to share that I picked up thrifting, and if I can get my butt in gear with decorating, maybe I'll share a peek into my new bedroom!
Thanks for sticking around :)
Band camp looks awesome! I don't know how you can hold up that tuba! I would be crushed! You are strong!