You're In Brookelynn: Photography Crush: Bare backs/shoulders

Photography Crush: Bare backs/shoulders


 Something that I have always loved in an art/photography perspective is a woman's bare body. Yes, I realize that this sounds creepy and sexual, but I don't mean it that way in the slightest. And I don't mean "artistic" photos of breasts and that sort of thing, but more so parts of a woman's body that usually aren't sexualized; A woman's back, clavicle, wrist, the nape of her neck. With all of the self-image issues society gives us at birth, we often forget how beautiful our bodies actually are.


This was a photo I took a few years ago when I was doing my 365 project, it was one of my favorites. I remember that I put it in a portfolio of mine to show at my graduation party, and when my mom saw it, she said "I don't think you should put this one in here. It's very scandalous." I was kind of taken aback. I guess the fact that I had to take my shirt off to take the picture could be considered as *scandalous*, but I don't think an image of a bare back should be. I suppose a lot of people who would see these images in that light don't see them the way I do; I see bare skin as being vulnerable, graceful, fragile. I see a woman stripped down to what she truly is. It could be an expression of mood, situation, empowerment, anything.

Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. Embrace and love yourselves.

*Note: Don't ever type in "bare back" as a search in Flickr or any other search engine only expecting pictures of people's backs...I am now aware that apparently it is also some sort of euphemism for butt sex.

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