You're In Brookelynn: Something Different...

Something Different...

Hey guys! Notice anything different around here?

Yes, I have finally finished (for the most part) my new design! I'll probably be making minor tweaks here and there, but for the most part, I love it! I wanted something a little more 'minimalist,' and something that incorporated my favorite color, purple! I'm super happy with it. 

A few exciting new features:

-My ad spaces and sizes have changed! They are now located under my 'Youtube' playlist on the left sidebar. Visit my advertising page for info on my new sizes! Also, to celebrate my new design, you can use the code NewDesignLove for 10% off your ad space!

-You can now view my latest Youtube videos in the left sidebar!

Let me know what you think of the new design!
I'll be posting my branding and design inspiration soon!


  1. Site design looks bangin' girl! Great job :))

  2. I like it, a lot! But, it could be because my favorite color is purple too ;) hehe. I really like the simplicity & your header is awesome!

  3. Ahhh!!! I've been waiting on this forever and I'm so glad it's up and running! Great play on all kinds of purples. :]]]
